I'll tell you my experience of trying to get free ubuntu cd from linux.Pertama of all I was interested in the Ubuntu OS 10.10.Saya want to experience something new in my life saya.Akhirnya browsing here and there to search for Linux iso files ubuntu.Tapi, I was surprised to learn that the file has a size that besar.Saya iso.nya think to cancel my intention to use the OS that one ini.Tapi I finally found a blog article from a neighbor, whose title "Ubuntu Free CD of Linux. " sudden I became optimistic again,
know of any program for free Ubuntu CD from Linux.Saya even went to the url = http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download there I select the desktop edition, then do the registration, after successfully registering, which should we do next is to confirm our email address , go to yahoo or gmail email in accordance with what we wear, there will be a message from the contents linux confirmation code, copy it and paste the code in the form "enter the confirmation code", after all we are doing it in later in order to fill the form information about the data themselves kita.Isikan all formnya with benar.Agar delivery to destination which can then click "Send Request" later on there will be notification "Request is accepted .. ". Please allow 4 to 6 weeks ahead, order your cd will arrive in the hands anda.Saya ubuntu cd is also still waiting for my order, I'll be posting articles about the ubuntu after CD dapatkan.Oh .. yes I almost forgot, delivery costs borne by recipient other blog2 word does it cost only 0.7 dollars.
# Indonesia Go Open Source