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11:58 PM Posted by fendhy
Reggae is a music rhythm that developed in Jamaica. Reggae may be used in a wide sense to refer to the bulk of Jamaican music,
including ska, rocksteady, dub, dancehall, and ragga. Perhaps the term is also located in discriminating style so closely derived from the late 1960s. Reggae standing under rhythm style characterized by mouth blow arrears soldiers, known as the "skank",
played by rhythm guitar, and bass drum beater over three blows each measure, known as "all out".
Characteristics, is hitting the slow introduction of reggae, ska and rocksteady.

Reggae in Indonesia

Some famous names in the world of Reggae music and sub​​-manifold Indonesia, among others, Tony Q Rastafara, Ras Mohammed, Steven & Coconut Treez, Joni Agung (Bali), New Rastafara (Yogyakarta), and leader Surip (Mojokerto)
Reggae music around 1986 began voiced in Indonesia, the band Black Company is a band with a genre of Reggae, Roots a few years later munculAsian which is derived from the previous band, then there is the Asian Force and Abresso, Jamming.

Source of wikipedia
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